Backsliding back and forth, a day in the life of an international student looks something like this! / / A day in the life of an international student

A day in the life of an international student is like this!

I am enjoying my study abroad experience with friends from various countries, working part-time, living in the dormitory, and playing in the neighborhood on my days off.

At Life Junior Japanese Language School, we enjoy our school life every day.

Let’s take a look at a day in the life of an international student today!

7:30 起床

Wake up in the morning and eat breakfast.

Get ready for school.

8:00 登校

The school is close to the bus stop and very convenient for daily commuting.

Most students commute to school by bicycle and motorcycle.

8:30 1,2限授業開始

Reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Students will study all four skills in a well-balanced manner.

10:05 休憩

They spend time eating snacks and chatting with friends.

10:15 3,4限

Students will practice conversation using the Japanese they have learned.

11:50 授業終了

For students in morning classes, classes end at this time.

If I have any problems in my life, I consult with my teachers.

12:30 買い物・ランチ

Naha City, where the school is located, has many restaurants and stores for dining and shopping.

14:00 アルバイト

Students will work part-time using the Japanese they have learned.

18:00 帰宅・自習

Go home and reflect on today’s class.

It is a time to eat, take a bath, and relax.

Remember to do your homework.

23:00 就寝

Thank you for your hard work today.

Let’s have another healthy day tomorrow.